Sunday 22 May 2005

Crinoline Ladies on Aprons

Gina, from Patra's Place, has a number of fascinating embroidered aprons in her collection. The two I have posted below are Crinoline Ladies (knowing some readers are rather attached to them). Gina has some that are even more fascinating, showing ladies dressed in modern fashion. For me, these are probably the most interesting part of her collection (well, maybe - there is other stuff too). As I have never, ever, seen anything like the ladies who were modern when the aprons were made.

Crinoline apron 1

I don't know if you can pick it in the picture, but the upside-down parasol forms a shallow pocket. Very clever.

The larger version can be found HERE.

This is the other that Gina generously allowed me to copy:

Crinoline apron 2

The larger version of that one is HERE.

Thank You, Gina, for allowing me to post there.


Blogger Calidore said...

I love the first crinoline lady, especially the scalloped flowers around the skirt. Very effective. Would make a wonderful and simple seam treatment. Are the flowers lazy daisy stitch or something more complicated?

6:40 pm  
Blogger Linda said...

That is a good question - they look like Lazy Daisy to me. Gina - are you out there and can you tell us????

8:26 pm  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Indeed I am here Chloe, and indeed those stitches are Lazy Daisy, Calidore! I was wondering when you were going to put some more of your photos of my collection on your blog, Linda! I had forgotten which ones you had photographed, so I decided to wait for a while, before starting to put some on my own. As I have said before, I am very happy for you to continue using what photos you have of my collection. I finally got around to scanning a couple of items tonight and putting them on my Blog, so your readers might like to pop over to Patra's Place for a look-see!

10:32 pm  
Blogger Maggie Ann said...

It's my first visit to your blog and I'm loving it. The crinoline lady apron is wonderful. The shape of the apron itself is familiar to me. I have an 'antique' one around here somewhere. It has cut-work flowers, you slit the fabric and tuck in the raw edges. I'm going to dig it out and post a photo of it. I used mine for years as a pattern. Thanks for 'sparking' my interest and memory.

2:46 am  
Blogger Linda said...

Hi Maggie Anne - and I am sure there are more than me out there who would like to see apicture. *hint, hint*

Welcome to my blog - and you will find my favourites on my side-bar (which may be downt he bottom on some computers, but it us there) - there is a lot of lovely, fun stuff happening out there.

1:43 pm  

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