Wednesday 25 May 2005

Aprons to the right of us, Aprons to the left of us.

The Aprons continue and multiply. Thanks Mary-Frances, I now know how to link directly to a post. So, here is the latest from Mary-Frances - an apron that becomes a bonnet, and in company with an Australian one lurking in the USA.

And, since I now know how - here is the direct link to the organdy ones.

And thanks also, M-F, for theoriginal link - although some of us were off on a different thread - it must just be the Year of the Apron. If you are at all interested, and haven't been there - have a look at the original link on Angry Chicken.

And I want to go and photograph some of m-i-l's on the line, and it is RAINING!!!! We have waited so long for this rain, and it isn't heavy, and it comes now. Not that I am complaining, mind. It is nice to know that they still know how to make it.


Blogger Mary-Frances said...

Isn't it fun? Now, collecting them is a you think everyone will start wearing the organdy ones as "dress" for a party?

10:15 am  

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