Thursday 14 April 2005

"Just Happening"

Over on her blog, Annie has been talking about the embellishing process, whether it "just happens" or is planned. (Actually, she is talking about the stitching, I think she is, more correctly, using the term "embellishing" to refer to adding the "hard" bits after the stitching).

I am a great fan of the "just happening" school - stitch a seam, see how it looks, decide what is next, add another element, which makes me thing of something else.

Except I have just made a sudden change and done some planning - and for this block I like it.

On Viv's Fairy DYB, I had planned to the extent that I knew I wanted a fairy on a branch of cherry blossom over a pond, and that I was going to do some apple blossom. Then I started thinking about other things I wanted to put on there, and realised that very soon, I might end up not having spaces for things I wanted to add.

So, I thought I will sketch the block, and draw a plan. Not that I am good at sketching.


I zipped down the street, got a photocopy, and started to draw on the photocopy.

Currently, it looks like this:

Fairy Photocopy

Nov Viv, before you have twenty-thousand fits, there won't be a safety pin in the finished work.

But I do like this as a design technique.

I am off to stitch.


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